There are so many women who want to be able to grow their money faster than they can with a savings account.

The biggest challenge is figuring out how to get started with so many different options for brokerages and financial vehicles available online now.

And if you don't know anything about the stock market, learning the lingo and how to buy & sell stocks can feel confusing and exhausting.

A lot of people feel like it's too overwhelming, so they hire a financial advisor who is expensive and takes a large cut of your earnings. You don't need to spend your hard-earned money on an advisor!

The great news is, the stock market is NOT that complicated! And you've got a big, beautiful brain - you can totally do this!!

I've put together this short, easy, breezy course to help simplify the entire process of how you learn to invest.

I believe the stock market is the great equalizer of the classes. I think everyone should be investing so you can grow your money more than inflation will take a bite out of it.

I want to help women get into the stock market so they can grow their money enough to be able to buy the house they want, take vacations, and create the life of their dreams.

You only get this one life. Don't you want to spend it doing the things you desire?

Getting your money into the stock market NOW will put you so much closer to those goals, so much faster.

If you're ready to start growing your money, then you have found a new home my friend.

  • all the stock market lingo

  • how the stock market works

  • how to choose a brokerage and buy and sell stocks on your own

  • the best investments you should be considering for a diversified portfolio

  • getting in the right mindset to be a successful investor

  • how you leverage the enduring power of the stock market to build your wealth - safely

And the best part is that you don't have to be good at math or know anything about the markets to be successful.

I break it all down for you and give you tools to take away the guesswork.

  • Your money is growing automatically for you, without you having to think about it much

  • You don't have to rely on anyone but yourself to be successful

  • You save tons of money by having the confidence to invest without those expensive financial advisors

  • You can live a better life in retirement than Social Security alone can provide you

  • You could retire early if you wanted to

BIG QUESTION: How much money can I actually expect to make in the stock market?

It really depends on how much you start your account with and how much you can continue to contribute each month. Historically, the stock market has made about 8-10% annually, so that is roughly what you can expect. And this is typically beating inflation, which is exactly where you want to be!

I do have to say that we can't guarantee your results, as the stock market does experience pull-backs and bear markets (when most stocks are downtrending) occasionally. But I can tell you that those are excellent times to continue buying shares at discount prices so that when the market returns, your money becomes worth even more.


Crafted keeping in mind the challenges, responsibilities, and strengths of women, especially mothers who balance so much every day. This isn't just another course designed by men for men. It’s for us, by us.

Safety First

In a field where many promise unimaginable wealth, while that is possible, we promise wisdom, caution, and steady growth. Learn not just to earn, but to protect and grow your earnings sustainably.

Transparent & Honest

With core values like transparency and customer success, every piece of advice, every lesson comes with a genuine desire to see you succeed. No hidden tricks, no rainbows, or unicorns, or pie-in-the-sky promises.

Get the Long Term Investing Blueprint NOW!

Start investing this week

  • Lifetime access to the course, including any and all updates

  • Dedicated support to ensure a seamless start to your investing journey

  • Workbooks, calculators, and templates to take the guesswork out as you get started


  • The key to success: the right investing mindset

  • Investing based on information, not emotion

  • How the stock market works

  • Smart investing strategies

  • Relatively low risk stocks and funds

  • What to watch out for & what NOT to do

  • How to keep your money safe

  • How and where to open an account

  • How to create orders so you can start buying and selling stocks

  • How your investments get taxed

You've been telling yourself for years that you should really start investing. You know that every day that goes by is a missed opportunity to grow your money.

Maybe you've even tried to figure it out. Looked up some videos or tried to pick a brokerage. But it was just too much. Too confusing.

That's ok, you are not alone! Many moms find me after years of beating themselves up for not being smarter with their money.

You need something that fits into your busy life. Not another chore. You need simple steps that make you excited. Something you can do between making dinners and bedtime stories. Something that lets you SEE your money grow.

The Long Term Investing Blueprint is going to open your world up to so many new possibilities. It's your chance to stop worrying. To relax and watch your wealth grow, almost like magic.

What I want most is to help women like you grow your money and be financially successful in your own way. I want you to be able to buy that house that you want, take vacations, and create the life of your dreams!

I have several years of valuable experience day trading and investing in the stock market. I am super passionate about sharing my wisdom with you ladies to keep you and your money safe and sound while also being able to grow it better than most other savings or investment avenues out there.

I am a homeschooling mom of 5 wonderful kiddos, several of which have special needs, so I totally get being insanely busy and trying to work around all the things.

I LOVE to laugh and am a bit of a nerd. Spreadsheets are one of my favorite things.🤣🤓 I have a HUGE heart and am all about women uplifting women, and helping others. I truly care about the success of each and every single one of my clients.

Answers before you ask

How much money does it take to get started?

You can get started with as little as $10 if you wanted to. I teach you how to work with what you have, whatever that amount is.

Will this course fit into my busy schedule?

Yes, the lessons are short and sweet with no fluff or filler, made to consume in easily digestible chunks. You can watch the videos anytime that's convenient to you, and with lifetime access you can re-watch them whenever needed.

Will I really be able to start investing at the end of this course?

Yes! You and your big, beautiful brain will be able to grow your own wealth - you'll know what to do and how to do it safely.

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